Friday, November 8, 2013

Proposed Poem for Making the Video Poem

By chance I saw some birds by a pond
Whose water wore ripples like dragon scales.
Streams of tiny stars trailed from the shadows,
As teardrops of ducks skimmed over the setting sun.

They wavered over scattered trees
Wrinkling blue into compressed ellipses.
Each one like the next, easy to forget.
Like flying ships on a fallen sky,
They tucked their heads under their wings,
Listening to murmurs of the waves.

It felt too cold out here for leaves to burn
As grey and blue smoke ruffled in the water's surface.
Each busy vibration behind the reeds
And nasally call from across the plane
And trivial, concentrated concern
Failed to change too much.

For the pond still shoved itself along
With and without its birds,
A surface so flexible much like the world above
So accustomed to change
That one ripple counters many.

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